Friday, October 14, 2016

Never have to ask for tips again

If you own a business where you take tips, Hair Salon,Restaurant or any other business and your credit card machine won't let you adjust tips because you are taking the new chip cards and you have to ask your client for the tip before you run the transaction and you don't like it STOP.  I have a machine that you have a tip line and can adjust tips when ever you want.  I offer this machine for free with no contract.  If you are interested give me a call.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Pros and Cons of Leasing a Credit Card Terminal

The reality of Leasing a Credit Card Terminal.

The CONS of leasing a terminal are as follows:

1) When you lease the terminal you are signing a 4 year lease that even if you close the business you will be responsible for.
2) The lease payment for the 4 years will run anywhere from $25-$100 per month.  This means you will pay between $1200-$4800 for a terminal that costs around $300.
3) Any upgrades will cause you lease to start over.
4) The lease agreement will be through a third party who all they do is lease terminals.

The PROS of leasing a terminal are as follows:


Friday, August 5, 2016

Purpose of the blog

The purpose of our blog is to provide news, announcements, credit-related tips, and general announcements to our web site visitors and clients. Please check back soon for more content. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us.